Monday, November 24, 2014

Nursing Student in the ICU - Month Three

Senior Practicum ended for this nursing student on 11.23.14 - that is 3 months and 400 clinical hours since the first day I stepped onto my unit. 

In my last month of practicum, lessons learned included:

  1. Bring your lunch! Seriously folks, on the morning of that third twelve-hour shift when you can't seem to hop out of bed, MAKE YOUR LUNCH! You will starve! True story!
  2. Experienced nurses are amazing! The older they are, the lazier they are, which means you get to practice lots of skills. Become their friend!
  3. The urethra is never where you think it should be! Like ever! Don't feel like an idiot, experienced nurses miss it too (my preceptor did!). 
  4. As tired as you are, go above and beyond while you're at clinical - the boss is always watching.
  5. JCo people are scary. They don't mean to be, but imagine 12 of your strictest instructors watching your every move - scary man!
  6. When you have questions, ask!
  7. Trust your instincts. You know what you're doing most of the time. And if not, refer to #6. 
  8. Listen to your patients ..not their family. 
  9. Delegation is key to time management. You can't do everything, remember that!

As I wrapped up my practicum hours, I find it absolutely insane how much more confident I feel, how much I've learned, and how much I've grown in the past three months. I started out as a student with minimal skills and lots of anxiety and I'm finishing as a soon-to-be graduate with skills and clinical confidence. I fell in love with critical care this semester and could not have asked for a better placement. My unit, preceptors, and patients have truly made this semester unforgettable. 

BlueBirds, GRU CNL Students, Class of 2014, Emory Cohort.
Peace and Love,


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