So me, being the best girlfriend in. the. world, spent all Tuesday morning..and well part of the afternoon baking Danny cookies and rice krispies and all sorts of goodies to send to him and his buddies! (: And well, since I'm a pretty awesome person...I threw in a little for a couple of my MilSOs ..I told y'all they were important people! Any.way. I was sitting at the kitchen table writing cutesy love notes to my baby and Darren ..cause Danny's friends, especially his army friends and even more especially his deployed friends are my friends too...duhh! So I'm sitting at the kitchen table writing these out and my roommate was "attempting" to study..I say attempting because she really spent all morning sitting around laughing at me spending so much time cutting the rice krispies into hearts and going on and on about the color of my cookies and how I thought they were too burnt to send anywhere except the trashcan; I made homemade rice krispies and homemade chocolate chip cookies ..but I turned the cookies pink and the bottoms were slightly too brown - when it comes to baking I'm a mad hardcore perfectionist! She actually used the phrase "I knew you loved Danny, but I didn't realize how much until now!" I've made tons of care-packages before, but this is the first one she's witnessed.
So back to the story..sorry I'm all over the place tonight ! I'm writing the letters and Mandi asked if she could write them a note. And what am I gonna say?! no?! They're deployed..they need all sorts of loving, encouraging letters!! (: I go and pull out all of stationary, seriously I have like a box/bag full, and let her pick out cards and markers and sticker..the works! Then she proceeded to spend AN HOUR trying to decide what to write to this boyy! Seriously..not even playing! Only to end up tell him that he's weird! I wish I could make this up! (even as I'm writing this..she's sitting across from me stressing about whether or not he'll think she's crazy or strange - I don't even know!)
I'm sure Darren - and Danny - will love her letters! But...
- I wish she wouldn't stress so much! Darren's a really awesome person and is going to love anything..ANYTHING...anyone sends him! Regardless of how cheesy it is or sounds! That's just the man he is!
- Her letter was sweet ..what's to worry about?!
- Darren likes her too!! Did we forget that part?!
- WHAT HAVE I DONE?! I feel like I'm encouraging my best friend to be in a military relationship! They are NOT easy! They are NOT like the movies! They are stressful, and lonely, and well, just plain difficult! Even the best of couples are tested once one goes military! Why would I put my best friend though this crap I'm going through?!?! It doesn't make sense!
...I do want her to be happy if things with this boy do work out..I will be supportive! I just have a really hard time setting this up knowing how difficult this relationship will inevitably be! :(
Here's her letters! (: ..sorry the picture quality suuuuckkkkkkks!!
until next time - stay safe, stay strong, keep your head up, and keep pressing on
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