Tuesday, November 6, 2012

For All My Writers Out There (:

Apparently, November is considered National Novel Writing Month. How did I not know about this for 21 years?! I love writing. I love the concept of being able to write something that is new and exciting or something that portrays all your wants, wishes, and desires. Come on now, doesn't that sound like fun?! I think so!

Any.how. There is this wonderful website I've been told about so I figured I'd share with all of you. You know, so everyone else can procrastinate on all those papers you should be writing, the test you should be studying for, the homework you should be doing, the house you should be cleaning, the food you should be cooking, the children you should be tending too :P The website is -duhduhduh- www.nanowrimo.org and I'm finding it awesomely exciting. Just go to the site, create a profile and start writing. A novel is defined as 50,000 words and you're suppose to write it all between November 1st and November 30th. It sounds tedious I know, and to be honest, I'm not even sure I'll be able to finish it all but how fun does it sound!

I encourage all of you to sign up and get those creative juices flowing. You all can do it! Of this I am certain. Don't stress, just write! It's only a month right?! DO IT! (:

Until Next Time - stay safe, stay strong, keep your head up and keep pressing on


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